Welcome to ICBEB 2023!
The 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICBEB 2023) is scheduled to be held on November 17-20, 2023 in Macao, China.
As an annual conference held successfully in the past 11 years in Macao (ICBEB 2012), Wuhan (ICBEB 2013), Beijing (ICBEB 2014), Shanghai (ICBEB 2015), Hangzhou (ICBEB 2016), Guangzhou (ICBEB 2017), Nanjing (ICBEB 2018), Republic of Korea (ICBEB 2019), and Online via Microsoft Teams (ICBEB 2020, ICBEB 2021 and ICBEB 2022, changed from offline to online due to the COVID-19 pandemic), ICBEB aims to provides an extensive platform for scientists, researchers and scholars to present their research results and newest findings in all fields of Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, discuss the practical challenges encountered, and recommend better solutions for human health. The plenary session will include Keynote Speeches, Invited Speeches, Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations. The 5th China Physiological Signal Challenge (CPSC 2023) will be held synchronously during the conference.
Known as the 'Vegas of China', Macao, is a city and special administrative region of the People's Republic of China in the western Pearl River Delta by the South China Sea. With over 400 years of cultural exchange, Macao is the best-preserved historical blended Chinese and western architectural complex in the world and was listed as a world cultural heritage site. Macao is an international free port and the world`s tourism and leisure center. Its famous light industry, tourism, hotel industry and casinos have made Macao prosperous and become a global one of the developed and wealthy regions.
On Behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially invite all of you to participate ICBEB 2023, and we believe you would be harvested academically and enjoy Macao customs.
Important Dates
Time Countdown 0 Days Left
Last Round Submission Deadline
Extended to October 10, 2023

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JCR IF: 5.7
ISSN (electronic): 2296-4185
Research Topic: Integrative Analysis for the Complex Disease Biomarker Discovery

Frontiers in Public Health
JCR IF: 5.2
ISSN (electronic): 2296-2565
Research Topic: Urban Green Spaces and Human Health

BMC Bioinformatics
JCR IF: 3.0
ISSN: 1471-2105
Publication Type: Supplement issue

JCR IF: 2.6
e-ISSN: 1551-0018
Special Issue: Medical e-Diagnosis by Fusing Deep Learning and Big Data Analytics

Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment
JCR IF: 2.8
e-ISSN: 1533-0338

Technology and Health Care
JCR IF: 1.6
e-ISSN: 1878-7401
Publication Type: Supplement issue

Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology
JCR IF: 2.9
e-ISSN: 1532-2297
Publication Type: Special issue

Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics
Best Oral Awards
Congratulations that 4 winners of the Best Oral Presentations from ICBEB 2022 are each awarded with the bonus of USD 150 sponsored by Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.
Best Poster Awards
Congratulations that 2 winners of the Best Poster Presentations from ICBEB 2022 are each awarded with the bonus of USD 150 sponsored by Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.

2. The final version of ICBEB 2023 conference program has been released online. See you in Macao, China/online via Teams during Nov. 17-20, 2023. [2023-11-10]
3. Welcome the scientific journal, Medinformatics, to join us as a sponsor! [June 21, 2023]
4. Welcome two Science Partner Journals, BMEF and BioDesign Research, to join us as sponsors! [June 21, 2023]
5. Accepted Papers from ICBEB 2022 published in the journal Technology and Health Care have been indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded database one month after publication [June 13, 2023]
6. Notification of a New Partner Journal!
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics (indexed in Ei Compendex, Scopus etc). Excellent conference submissions will be recommended to publish in this journal. [June 7, 2023]
7. Accepted papers from ICBEB 2022 have been published online in Technology and Health Care (JCR IF 1.205). [May 5, 2023]
8. All accepted papers within the field of Biomechanics and Biomechanical Engineering from ICBEB 2022 have been published and indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded one month after publication. [2022-12-29]
9. ICBEB 2022 conference program is released online. Welcome you to join ICBEB 2022 online conference via MS Teams during Nov. 15-18, 2022. [2022-11-4]
10. ICBEB 2022 is originally scheduled to be held in Shenzhen, China, however, considering the uncertainty caused by the global pandemic of COVID-19, it was changed to fully online conference without onsite participants in Shenzhen, China. [October 25, 2022]
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The 3rd International Conference on Medical Imaging Science and Technology (MIST 2023)
November 17-20, 2023, Macao, China